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60% of swimmers have swimmers ears in their lifetime, with 80% of swimmers ear occurring before adolescence
- Prevents ear infections, prevents swimmers ear and middle ear infection
- Unlike silicon plugs, will not irritate canal to cause further complications
- Blocks water from entering ears but allows sound to enter
Unlike silicon earplugs or earplugs that penetrate the canal, Doc’s Proplugs will not irritate the ear canal or disrupt earwax production, which is nature’s protection from foreign microorganisms. Proper use of Doc’s Proplugs prevents the flushing out of natural earwax which keeps the ear moisturized and protected.

Proper Fit Is Key To Ensuring Maximum Comfort And Performance Of Doc's Proplugs
- Check our list of retail dealers in you area for sizing
- Ask your local ENT physician or a sports store about Doc’s Proplugs and ask to be fitted.
- Visit Doc's Proplugs online Store for a Fitting Set and Combo Pack
- For International Customers: Check our list of Int'l Distributors